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55-year-old teacher living 100 days submerged to turn out to be 'godlike'

 A 55-year-old school teacher and previous naval force jumper is living in a 55 square meter submerged space, almost 30 feet beneath the surface, as a component of examination. Teacher Joseph Dituri is concentrating on how the human body answers long haul openness to outrageous strain.

          100 days underwater to become 'super human'

The teacher is expecting to break a 73-day-long record of living submerged in a solitary stretch and extend it to 100 days, all while showing biomedical designing classes on the web. The previous US Naval force jumper is living in a 100-square-foot environment situated at Jules' Undersea Cabin in Key Largo in Florida.

The investigation, which started on Walk 1, has finished more than 30 days collectively of clinicians and specialists keep a nearby watch on Dituri's wellbeing and indispensable boundaries. A clinical group is recording his wellbeing by normal plunges to run a progression of tests during which Dituri needs to finish a few psychosocial, mental and clinical trials.

"The human body has never been submerged that long, so I will be observed intently. This study will look at each way this excursion influences my body, however my invalid speculation is that there will be upgrades to my wellbeing because of the expanded tension," Dituri said, prior to plunging into his submerged living space.


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